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NCCEE’s Mission

To enhance and advance economic and financial education for the educators and students of North Carolina.

Our Vision

A North Carolina where all of its citizens have the knowledge, understanding and skills to make informed economic choices.

What We Believe

 The North Carolina Council on Economic Education (NCCEE) believes economic education empowers students by helping them develop skills and knowledge they will use all their lives and helping them understand their role in the economy. We recognize that students will have to make economic and financial decisions and choices in their personal life, in the workplace, and as citizens whether they have the information and understanding to do so or not. We believe our responsibility as educators and business leaders is to ensure they not only understand the economy in which they will function, but also have the financial skills and tools they will need to make decisions on the job, in their career, and in their personal life.

Governor Roy Cooper signed HB924 becoming law requiring high school students to take one stand alone personal finance course to graduate. Over the next three years North Carolina teachers will have the opporunity to earn a certification through NCCEE to be qualified to teach the course.  As a non-profit, for-education organization, NCCEE is committed to leading the charge to achieve economic and financial literacy for all North Carolinians.

NCCEE is an affiliate of the Council for Economic Education.