Promoting Economic and Financial Education
From our beginnings in 1953, MCEE focused on teacher professional development providing content knowledge and resources to classroom educators that enable them to effectively provide economic and personal finance education to their students. Current conditions within our global economy coupled with the complexity of personal finance issues require that students have a strong understanding of economic and personal finance fundamentals prior to high school graduation. Without professional development, teachers would lack the content proficiency needed to provide the instruction necessary for students to form informed perspectives. MCEE continues to provide effective professional development to Maryland teachers and looks forward to continuing to do so for the next 70 years.
To remain viable and vibrant, the Maryland Council on Economic Education has taken the Social Media plunge! You now can friend us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and Pinterest. On these sites we post special events relative to economics and personal finance, acknowledge classroom best practices, and share a variety of great classroom resources. MCEE hopes that, if you have not already done so, you will join us in cyberspace by “Liking” and “Following” MCEE.
With the support of our many partners, the staff and Board of Trustees of the Maryland Council on Economic Education remains committed to improving student economic and personal finance education in Maryland.
If you would like more information, or would like to learn how you can support the Council please contact us.