How It Works
It's quite simple, really!
Register for Middle or High School Competition
Middle School (Grades 6-8)
High School (Grades 9-12)
Select Teacher Registration on left side of page. Submit registration.
Teacher and team registration open until March 21, 2025.
Once you have registered as a teacher, you can begin to create student teams of four students per team. After creating your teams, you can download unique access codes for each student. Distribute these access codes to your students when they are ready to take the Challenge.
Once competition begins, students can enter the Finance Challenge ONLINE website and complete a 30-question, rapid-fire exam consisting of categories on Earning Income, Protecting and Insuring, Spending and Credit, and Saving and Investing. Each student will be given 35 minutes.
Each student is to complete the challenge as an individual; students do not work as a group. Students may not utilize any outside materials or testing aids during their challenge session. The advisor is not to help the students by guiding them or re-phrasing a question. Students do not have to take the test at the same time.
Scoring: the sum of the highest three individual scores on each team make up the team score. No penalty for incorect answers. Correct answers earn 10 points.
Top online teams for middle and high school will be notified on March 24, 2025.
National Competition Teacher Toolkit