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The Rules

Arizona Personal Finance Challenge (PFC) Divisions

Middle school (7th-8th grades)  Any student in grades 7th or 8th enrolled in an Arizona school.  Experience in a course that includes personal finance instruction is beneficial.

High school (9th-12th grades) Any student in grades 9th through 12th enrolled in economics, personal finance or an economics or personal finance related course in an Arizona school is eligible.

Arizona PFC rounds of competition

The Arizona Personal Finance Challenge consists of two rounds.

1st Round - Online testing

2nd Round - PFC Finals - Quiz Bow 

Online Testing session:

Fall Testing Session November 18th - December 6th, 2024

Spring Testing Session March 27th through March 28th 2025

Teams of 3-4 students will have 35 minutes to complete a 30-question online exam covering the principles of personal finance; including money management, credit, investing, and insurance.   Teams can compete in the online challenge during the Fall testing session and/or the Spring testing session.

Arizona Personal Finance Challenge Finals - April 11th, 2025

Top scoring teams will be invited to the in-person Finals to be held on April 11th.  The final round of competition consists of a fast-paced Quiz Bowl.  Additionally, all teams are encouraged to compete in the Personal Finance Case Study Competition. 

Arizona Personal Finance Challenge State Champions, and National Competition Qualifiers, will be the team from EACH division with the highest cumulative score from the PFC and the Personal Finance Case Study competition.


Coaching Resources:

For more information on the financial literacy standards included in the Personal Finance Challenge, explore these resources:

• Council for Economic Education: National Standards for Financial Literacy
• Department of the Treasury: Financial Education Core Competencies
• Jump$tart: National Standards in K-12 Personal Finance Education
• OECD: Financial Literacy Assessment Framework
• Money as You Grow
