Welcome to the
Indiana Council for Economic Education
Serving the Teachers and Students of Indiana.
The Indiana Council for Economic Education (ICEE) is an academic outreach center within the Department of Agricultural Economics at Purdue University. The ICEE was established in 1954 and has a national reputation for excellence and leadership in economic education. The ICEE is the lead unit in an eleven-institution network of university centers for economic education. Both the ICEE and the university centers are affiliated with the national Council for Economic Education.
What: We prepare students to become active citizens and productive members of our economy by providing them with the ability to make sound economic decisions.
Why: Students will be required throughout their lives to make economics decisions important for their own well-being, and to understand and make decisions about public policy issues. A thorough understanding of economics will contribute not only to their personal success, but also to the successes of the businesses, institutions, and governments in which they participate.
How: ICEE is part of a state and national network of university centers for economic education. We help K-12 teachers and youth educators teach economics and personal finance by providing engaging workshops and resource materials aligned to academic standards. A focus on educators leverages economics and financial education because a trained and enthused teacher has a positive impact on new groups of students year after year, throughout his or her career.
Visit us at https://ag.purdue.edu/department/agecon/icee/icee.html
Purdue University
Krannert Building, Room 607
403 W. State St.
W. Lafayette, IN 47907
Ph 765-494-8545
Fax 765-496-1505