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Welcome to the 2024 Rhode Island Personal Finance Challenge!

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The 2024 RI Finance Challenge online testing period will be held from March 11, 2024 - April 12, 2024.

Teachers are able to log in now and continue to register new students and teams until the testing period ended on April 12, 2024.

Welcome! The 2024 Rhode Island Personal Finance Challenge is a wonderful opportunity for students to demonstrate their knowledge of personal finance by competing with other students from across the state in multiple-choice examinations.

This year, the 2024 RI Personal Finance Challenge is being offered for the 10h consecutive year by the Rhode Island Council for Economic Education and Rhode Island Jump$tart Coalition, thanks to generous support from Fidelity Investments. 

Rhode Island's statewide 2024 Personal Finance Challenge will be conducted entirely online during the period March 11 - April 12, 2024. There are separate divisions for High School and Middle School students. The Challenge testing will be moderated by teachers in the classroom setting. 

In 2024, the 3 highest-scoring schools in each division will be awarded trophies. An awards ceremony will be held in June 2024 to ensure students are recognized at the state level.

Research has shown that student competitions increase student participation, promote attendance, and help students achieve higher grades and test scores. For teachers, the Challenge provides a useful tool to help encourage students and generate excitement for classroom materials.

RI teachers are able to register their students starting on January 19, 2024 for this exciting competition. Once the Challenge begins, they can share the codes with their students and arrange for them to take the Challenge individually under their supervision during the period March 11- April 12, 2024. Teachers will be able to log in and see their students' individual and team scores afterward. 

Wishing everyone the best as we all work to build RI students' financial literacy!

Dr. Margaret Brooks, President, RI Council for Economic Education and President, RI Jump$tart Coalition
