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Nebraska Personal Finance Challenge Rules

  • Students will have 35 minutes to answer 30 questions.
  • The challenge can not be paused and students can not skip questions.
  • Student team members do not need to complete the challenge together.
  • Students must complete the challenge without any outside assistance.
  • Teams must consist of 3-4 students, and the team score will be the sum of the team's top three scores.
  • Average Quiz Time is used as the tiebreaker for regional rankings.  
  • Divisions
    • The High School Division is for students enrolled in a high school level personal finance course.
    • The Middle School Division is intended for students enrolled in a middle school level personal finance course.
  • Advancing to State Regionals/Finals
  • The top 3 teams from each region in the Fall 2024 Challenge and the top 3 from each region teams in the Spring 2025 Challenge will compete in the Nebraska Personal Finance Regional Challenge on April 4, 2025. In Personal Regional Finals are held simultaneously in Kearney, Lincoln, and Omaha.
  • Students may participate in the Fall 2024 Challenge or Spring 2025 Challenge, but not both.